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Previous Updates

Update: 05/02/18 - Apologies for the lack of updates recently, I've been learning my lines towards the pantomime. But back to the update... Ian has fully coloured and crafted the sets needed for the pantomime. All thats left to do is organise where and when the sets go on the main stage. I'll be working closely with Andrew and Phil backstage in order to get this colossal task done and then... moving onto my attempted performance of the show. 

Update: 14/01/18 - A New Year and a fresh start. I found myself coming back into the Ostreme Theatre after my Christmas break to continue on with the sets. Today we managed to cut out the windows of the pumpkin carriage and started to make some miniature set pieces for the show i.e. a rather conspicuous tent. Lastly, I painting the Ugly Step Sisters Wardrobe and thankfully, their nickers aren't inside. Above, we see Phil acting in the background whilst Andrew (left) is wondering what part he has in the upcoming show. 

Update: 20/12/17 - After finalising the flyers for the pantomime, I went straight into helping with the sets and props of the production. I had the privilege to work alongside with Ian, who's talents have been a part of the Ostreme Players theatre for many years. Today, he has helped me to understand the scale and perspective of stage painting / set designing. A pumpkin carriage which I had previously painted was spiced up quite a bit from Ian's talented brush, showing more shadow and depth to the carriage itself. As of now, we have finished painting the fireplace set and made a start on the main stairwell of Hardup Hall. 

Update: 10/12/17 - After going to The Ostreme for opinions on the poster / flyer, they asked to make some minute changes as the poster / flyer was close to perfect. The changes done was to increase the size of the "Cinderella" logo, the pumpkin made bigger and the parchment lowered down a bit more to fit everything above. Showing this again to the group, everyone seems to be happy and this is the FINAL version of the poster / flyer as seen above. 

Update: 4/12/17 - Going back to the poster / flyer, I decided to start completely from scratch. I made sure that this time, the poster / flyer had a little bot more going on, a proper colour scheme and regimented style like the old flyers were like for the Pantomimes. I made the pumpkin a lot more prominent in the flyer with a parchment at the bottom displaying all of the dates, ticket prices etc. The blue background I found worked a lot more better than the plain pink one. Its almost the same colour as the glass slippers which I've also placed on the bottom of the flyer / poster. 

Update: 28/11/17 - As I had a day off work, I decided to make a start on The Flyer. I decided to go for a more tongue and cheek approach. I drew out a pumpkin carriage, placed it into Photoshop and added in realistic textures to make the carriage have a nice design to it. As a template, this version of the flyer obviously didn't sit well with people at The Ostreme Theatre however, they absolutely loved the pumpkin carriage.

Update: 27/11/17 - The Ostreme Centre in Mumbles needed people to volunteer towards a Pantomime production of Cinderella so I volunteered. I was tasked into creating a poster / flyer of the pantomime and to work backstage on the sets and props. Before I started to create The Flyer, I had a look into the Ostreme Centres old Pantomime posters and took some inspiration from them. 

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